Creative Columbus day

Today was a national holiday, commemorating the day Columbus first set foot in the Americas in 1492...some of my South American friends have had less than complimentary things to say today....!
Anyway, it meant Asha had the day off, and we'd arranged for her friend to come over for the day. They spent the morning painting - we wrote their names in glue (on a canvas) & covered it with bi-carb, then when it dried, put colours through it...Asha's is in the extras.
Lovely to have Charlie over, and lovely that her Mom and Dad stayed for coffee when they dropped her off this morning.
This evening Asha randomly spiked a super high temperature....was sure she was going to throw up (which she didn't, thankfully)...she seems perkier now, after a few hours sleep and a cool's hoping for a good night.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha and Charlie's friendship.
2) A day off from the usual routine.
3) Asha perking up - I really hate it when she gets ill, though she often bounces back quickly...

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