
By Veronica

Again ...

I just walked 100 metres or so from the house to take this, after noticing the lovely mares' tail clouds while we were drinking coffee in the courtyard. Just as well I did, as these clouds were heralding a change in the weather. We'd decided to go for a local explore after lunch, but by 2 pm it was clouding over fast. We drove up a narrow, steep road that came to en end in a deserted farmyard with a beautiful old farmhouse. There was an old combine harvester in a shed, a vegetable garden, and various tools lying about, but no sign of life. On a clear day the views from there must be fabulous, but the light was flat and the mountains hazy.

Then we decided to go for a walk by the reservoir you can see in this blip. We thought we might even find boats for hire. But it turns out it looks a lot better from far away; close to, it's a trickle of murky water surrounded by acres of compacted mud and bare rock. Also, it started to rain. So we went home for a cup of tea. And I improvised some sourdough muffins using the paella pan (oven still not working). 

Mystère had a more exciting afternoon. He got to romp about alone while we were out, as we have now shown him how to use the barred window in the courtyard to come in and out. He came back apparently satisfied and is now zonked out on his chair.

PS I forgot: does anyone know how Flickr Explore works? My Flickr photos normally get about 20 views. This door in Fanlo is now close to 4,000 views and 77 favourites. Flickr's info says that images get into Explore because they have lots of views and favourites. But I only have 44 followers, so how come so many people are looking at this one photo?

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