A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


The pupster went for a groom today and is now shinier and fluffier than ever. I am very reluctant to let her see another puddle.

It seems to have been a super busy Friday but all with good stuff and I have largely lanced the boil* which has been eating my brain and stopping me sleeping all week. Hopefully the combination of that and going to a barrecore class will make tonight's a more restful slumber.

Something you might not know about me is that being in pain brings me out in a fit of the giggles. Various physios have learned this about me over the years. And now the barrecore trainer knows it too.

Lesley x

* facing the fact we are not going to be able to visit friends in France over half-term enough to say it outloud so that everyone knows. Though not quite everyone yet as I need to get some serious replacement activities lined up before I can tell Anna.

Day 15

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