Man vs Tree
(Home win)
Well, my home won anyway. The long awaited tree delivery today (there are actually two men in here, and they manhandled a very large tree up onto our terrace) was preceded by lots of clearing and preparing work, and another in the line of 'jobs I have been putting off'. So, the new decking was swept, vacuumed (first time vacuuming outdoors for me I think) scrubbed and high-pressure hosed and, finally, soaked in its first coat of decking oil. And all in baking sunshine.
In other news, the kids continue their campaign to reverse-engineer minecraft by drawing all the bits on squared paper (it's the current big craze here). Now I don't really mind this as it sort of involves maths (well, the way CarbBoy does it it does, I think TallGirl mostly harnesses art skills) but I did point out to CarbBoy that the number of books he had filled with drawings might have an inverse relationship with the number of marks (7/10) he got today for poetry recital...
Amusing TallGirl incidents of the day: Number 1: catching her cardi on a door handle and flying backwards in a very cartoon way (let's hope that sore back thing doesn't come to anything...) Number 2: When asked by me if she knew what South American cowboys are called she replied confidently "gurus".
In other, other news, everything hurts. Literally every part of my body is in pain, from the tips of my fingers to the tips of my toes. Actually, the tips of my fingers are the sorest bits after yesterday's wrecking bar incidents. So I will quit typing if you don't mind (imagine a small "ouch" for every character typed...) but not before noting that some of our lovely friends who were going to come for Halloween now can't. It is for a very good and sensible reason and definitely the right decision, but still glum-making. The other pals who are due to come have a poorly son - so let's hope (for so many reasons) for a very speedy recovery or we shall be very lonely.
Now I'm taking my aching self off to a nearby sofa to sip red wine (imagine a small "ouch" with every wine-glass-lift) and watch something very undemanding.
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