
By ChrisGroucutt


I've been taking some photos of a local theatre group this evening and just had to put up this shot of Trevor for the blip. This particular group "Open Stage" is an 'open access' theatre company, which basically means everyone of all abilities is welcome and it's plain brilliant. The integration between the members is just magic to see. You would think this type of group might be more common, but actually they're not, and as far as I know this is the only group of it's type in the whole borough.

The group celebrates it's 20th anniversary this year, and Trevor has been there since day one, so he's perfectly suited to represent the company. Plus, he's a star, it was an easy choice.

There should be a 'can be addictive warning' on the door though. It's infectious in it's charm and you can't help getting involved once you're there. I should know, I went along to help out with a bit of music work for a term, and 19 and a half years later I'm still helping out... and now that my daughter keeps wheedling her way into their shows I guess they're stuck with me for a while longer ;)

Happy anniversary you talented lot... here's to 20 more :)


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