The Kingdom of Belgium...

....Owen and Mrs Scobes began working on Owen's homework project tonight. Given the choice of any country in the world, he chose Belgium....well done son, I understand why, even if others don't.

Some interesting Belgian factoids;

1) Belgium was formed after a bust-up at the Opera
2) Belgium makes great chocolate
3) Belgium makes great beer
4) Belgium invented frites (the French had nothing to do with it!!)
5) Belgium serves frites with mussels and mayo
6) Belgium inspired Abba to write Waterloo
7) Belgium is the home of Hercule Poirot aka David Suchet
8) Belgium is the home of Tin Tin
9) Belgium is Smurfland
10) My granny came from Belgium

p.s. Happy birthday Aunty Weez
p.p.s There's a slug loose in our hoose tonight

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