A beauty . . .

. . . but not sure what it is! Is it about knee high, and growing in dense woodland, in Orkney! Our good friends and neighbours have a wonderfully overgrown area of woodland full of interesting and exciting wild things, including these. Love the clean-ness of them. Real beauties.

Shattered now after an afternoon of rehearsing. A contingent from the Royal Edinburgh Choral Union have come to sing with us, but I don't know whether any of them are blippers or not! Would be interesting to find out . . .

Anyway, came home exhausted and started to make sausage and mash for dinner, only to find there wasn't a tattie in the house! Toad in the hole instead, but with mushrooms and onions in with the toads. Very tasty, especially as we had a cabbage fresh from the garden to have with it.

Must dash now as I have to go and watch young Torres on the TV, kicking an inflated bladder around! I have a bit of a soft spot for him. Sad, but that's middle aged women for you! Hey ho . . . . !

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