Ruby tips

Conversation at breakfast ranged wide and large and it was almost lunch time before we rose from the table. Our guests are among the top exponents of Scottish Country Dancing in Brazil (neither of them with a drop of Scottish blood in their veins), but in this case, they were giving us an illuminating rundown on their view of the political and economic situation here in Brazil. Luiz Bade (behind HH in yesterday’s photo) is a skilled carpenter and works long hours in a factory, but a real Renaissance man in his interests, knowledge and thinking –his encyclopedic knowledge of Scottish history and customs would probably leave most Scots gasping.
A tentative date for lunch at the golf club with our semi-invalid friend was called off as she had other business to attend to, so we had an unexpected and welcome afternoon at home and the dogs got another walk. There was also some welcome and greatly needed rain. Unfortunately, we had to come back down to Rio, as the nurses will be coming tomorrow to change HH’s dressing (after my amateur efforts over the weekend), and he has physio too, but we left it till after supper. Rain all the way, but Rio needs it as much as Teresópolis.

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