Party like you're 5 years old...

Today was a friend of Asha's party - we went to a 'Go Ape' style place, climbing through trees, zip wires etc etc... Asha was definitely unsure at first, but eventually got involved (see extra). The parents had made such an effort, loads of food, little activity stations everywhere, everything 'Lorax' themed, balloons etc etc... Amazing.
I was very glad to finally come away several hours later, sometimes, with specific groups of people, I just find it SO hard to know how to relate or what to chat about, like I have nothing to offer and no common ground. Exhausting. Today's crowd were the rich & famous of the island!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having such a fun day. 
2) The prospect of a chilled evening getting ready for the week ahead. Missing Church as Asha's shattered & full of cold...and it's SUCH a late night with Church. Anyway, tonight she and I are going to stay in, chill, go to bed early, and get ready for Monday...
3) My normal life.

Swapped my main & my 'extra' again! Couldn't resist Asha after all....!

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