Linda's happy fish

This one's for Linda Branch, my dad's brother's sister in law, who posted on Facebook about how happy her fish were now that the pond has been cleaned. 

37 mile bike ride this morning. It was supposed to be 34 miles but I decided to take a detour in the final 1/3 of the ride to avoid a big hill that I wasn't in the mood to tackle. Detour led to a closed road, so I simply took another road in anticipation that it would eventually bring me out in the same general area. Fool. Not only did it add 3 miles to my ride, but it had a hill that was twice as long as the hill I was trying to avoid and guess where it brought me out? 

Yes, no other place than the foot of the friggin hill that I had been trying to avoid all along. Had to laugh. What else are you going to do.

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