Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Beautiful colours of Autumn.

This has been a very enjoyable, yet busy Saturday. I am still taking my anti biotics, which has left me a little tired, but in spite of that, I have been shopping in Accrington, did a short spell at the RSPCA shop, visited the One Planet shop to refill two fabric softener bottles and buy Pukka tea bags.
I wandered slowly through the market and bought a 8mm crochet hook, grey sparkle wool from Poundland, 3 for 2, a great special offer.
One thing I saw but didn't buy because they were £30 each, were really lovely arran cable diamond knit cream hoodies. They were superb and the stall was only there this weekend before going to Newcastle.
Then, in the afternoon we had to take tiffany to the vet, Town and Country.
I had a previous cat who hated the cat basket, but Tiffany was a real star today, not many miaows, and no yowling.
The secret is to gently steer them into the cat basket back legs first!
He is being treated for fleas with a course of tablets and then he needs to be chipped and neutered, poor lad.
We tried supermarket Frontline, but the vet has a more immediate efficient version. Should be good for a visit that cost Paul £45.
The hard thing is, Tiffany needs to stay indoors for 24 hours and he has tried to go out a few times.
He has accepted the situation for now, and is asleep on a window sill upstairs.

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