Our dreams, and they are made out of real things

So I was sat at the Harbour enjoying the dying embers of the sunset; remembering that a few months ago mum had sat there and listened to the radio for an hour, and discovered the battery was flat. 

So I listened to the radio for ten minutes, and then turned the keys to take off again... pft pft pft.


I sat for five minutes. pft pft pft


I looked around; it was getting dark.  Two empty cars and a car with a couple sitting with the fish suppers. 

Himself was at Scouts.... He wouldn't hear the phone over the noise of 45 scouts, so I phoned me mam. 

Me mam phoned Me new Dad, and just as I got out to check the boot for jumps, the young dad from the car next to me came out and said "if you've got leads;   I tried to phone me mam, and tried to tell her to stop, but I couldn't get them. 

The young dad plugged the leads in we stood for a moment looking at it, and then tried. Nothing.  We watched for a few more minutes and tried again, Foooomf.  

We cheered. 

Me Mam and me New Dad arrived. 

I thanked them for coming, I thanked the young couple who had interrupted their fish supper for me, and thought.... the world is better with kind people in it.  

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