Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game

After a long day at work today, I stopped off at the beach,  imagining a flat blue sea, and perhaps a fog roll out towards the horizon, and big glowing pink sun. 

Even at six o'clock it was still bright and warm - and there were even people still playing on the beach  (see extra).   Much to my delight - I spotted a war ship in the bay.   

Delight?  I hear you say, ha! yes, delight, seeing a Navy boat takes me back to my youth - A Navy Boat in the harbour made for a fun weekend!   I sat on the wall and grinned to myself at the memories, and then phoned himself to tell him what I was gazing at and he told me to get my arse home. 

Eventually I made it home, via the Chinese, and the petrol station, and I sat down to upload... I decided to glance at the shipping pages and see if the Navy ship was named. 

Weirdly, it was (they normally aren't) - It isn't a Royal Navy ship.... it's a flipping German one....   My interest has gone from a purely sexist one, to a "heaven's above, how for why????"

Oh heavens, help ma boab. 

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