Scout Scar

Today's the day ........................ for forty winks on the edge

As predicted by the BBC weather forecast almost to the minute, the fog began to clear at midday and the sun broke through.  But in a strange sort of day, the mist seemed to hang about just on the horizon and never completely dispersed. 

We went for a walk on Scout Scar, the limestone ridge just to the west of Kendal and it was very peculiar up there.  The sun shone down - but all around, the countryside disappeared into a hazy cloud.  It was a bit like being on an island in the middle of a shallow lagoon.

It was actually very warm in the sun.  Warm enough to lie on the grass and have a little snooze.  And if you're thinking that Will looks as if he's far too close to the edge - he was.  I'm sure he does it deliberately to scare me ....................... 


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