Little miss sunshine

My stinky old trainers got an outing this evening. They haven't seen the light of day for years but tonight I plucked up the courage to attend a keep fit class after work.

I haven't exercised properly since my Zumba days (and to be honest I was never any good at it!). Tonight I was totally pooped just 20 mins into the session and had to keep stopping for gulps of water.

It felt good though to have the blood pumping through my veins and the sweat dripping down my back. I kind of felt alive again after years of being in hibernation. This new diet and exercise regime is working wonders. I almost feel as though I'm becoming me again. Little interests that I used to have are slowly reappearing in my everyday life. Planning meals and cooking from recipe books, reading, exercising and most importantly making more time for me. I feel as though something inside has changed and I've turned a corner although I never realised before that there was ever a corner to turn. I can't describe why or how any of this has come about but I can honestly say 'life is sweet'. Do I sound a little bit crazy? Maybe, but who cares eh?

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