
By MamaOfBoys


Andre and i took Harper and Marley to the beach today.

We left Kanye at my mums for a few hours and while i never want him to miss out he has a tendency to run straight to the ocean and just go all in. He cant swim , meaning we have to chase him in the water. Its exhausting even when hes wearing his life jacket that conveniently has  a handle to hold onto to stop him form going in further.

Mar and Harper really loved splashing in the small rock pools along the shore from where the tide had come in. Not deep at all so great for 2 little guys who cant swim.

The boys found some seaweed and thought it was the best find, we stayed for a good couple of hours before they were starting to get a bit cold, the wind wasnt overly warm.

I woke with a bad headache today and had a huge nosebleed, i think its the heat, it happened the other day in the supermarket of all places- just in the coffee aisle, had to put my basket down and go to the counter to ask for tissues. Embarrassing! Thank you body for that, my skin has also been really itchy lately especially in one spot on my wrist  i have a doctors appointment for tomorrow even though i was just there last week.

Anyway after the beach we picked kanye up and went to get our spare tyre for some reason it never crossed our mind about it but  Andre and i are going away for the day Saturday and we though hey! the spare tyre we should check it only we didn't have one.

 The car and our make apparently don't come with them but the company we go the car from were happy to give us one so we went along to the tyre place and they jacked up the car with kids inside to check the spare tyre fit, no problem though the sudden release of the jack and the car plumping back down on the ground gave them a fright and there were a few tears over that.

All good though , all done. 

Boys were all really tired by the time we got home so spent the afternoon playing at the water table.

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