
Up and out early today - hints of frost in the dips and shadows - but fantastic air quality - up high above the village on the open fell the view South to the Howgills was stunning - the early morning sun just starting to lift the mist - patches of woodland like ghostly ships sailing by.

Pooch was overjoyed as we wandered further & further afield - at each junction it just seemed wrong to head back to the car on a day like today - so we mooched around taking sheep trods and vague hints of tracks until by a very circuitous route we were back where we started - a grand walk and back at home for coffee by 09:00.

P is now asleep on the lawn & I'm in the office with the doors wide open listening to the birds sing and hoping to see the squirrel kittens.

***added a fab extra of the opposite end of the day!

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