An Interesting Experience

(Caution: this journal entry contains some graphic medical descriptions and an extra photo in color of today's blip.)

I headed off to the Fairhaven Library this sunny morning to pick up some books that were on hold for me, and then went in search of a blip. I parked at the Fairhaven Cruise Terminal, knowing I'd be able to find some interesting subjects there, but first wanted to see the water view from Marine Park, just across the street.

As I walked along the sidewalk (UK pavement) after entering the park, I was gazing toward the bay, admiring the russet leaves on the trees that lined the access street, when suddenly I found myself on the sidewalk. My left foot had caught a raised area in the sidewalk and I'd fallen, breaking that fall with my hands and landing more on my left side than my right. I didn't "see stars" or black out, fortunately, and did a quick mental check of limbs, none of which were hurt. However, there was blood dripping from the left side of my face onto the sidewalk, and my left cheekbone was already swelling from the impact of the fall.

My glasses and wraparound sunglasses had come off, and the left lenses of both were several feet away. I managed to locate paper tissues in my crossbody bag/purse and apply them to the areas that were bleeding, and after a few minutes, slowly and carefully stood up. Picking up the two pairs of glasses and the lenses, I walked to my car, put on another pair of sunglasses, stuffed some tissues into the left side of frame to catch the bleeding, and carefully drove home. I couldn't wear my prescription glasses to drive as the frame was bent and it was more disorienting to look through them with the left lens gone than to drive without them.

Once home, I took my first good look at the damage; called Phil, who was playing pickleball; and then called my doctor's office to request an appointment. Dr. W. was booked solid today but made time for me during his lunch break, for which I was very grateful. Phil drove me there and took some excellent close-up photos of the injury and the stitches Dr. W. made to close the laceration above my left eyebrow. I will spare you those detailed photos...

We then came home, had lunch, and I had a nap, a most unusual event, but needed after the stress of the accident. I spent the rest of the day reading one of the books I'd picked up at the library, and was very grateful to have such a pleasant diversion!

I'm going to look rather scary to small children for a while, but in a couple of weeks, I hope to return to a relatively normal appearance. I'm deeply grateful that I did not break any bones; lose consciousness; or damage my eyes, nose, mouth, or jaw. What a difference any one of those events would have made!

Blip 1364

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