
By LadyPride

Homecoming Queen

I couldn't have wished for a better homecoming. Angus and Squidge in arrivals at the airport rushing to hug me as I came through. Squidge in an ironed dress (ironed!!!) holding a placard she's made with her Dad and a sunflower.

We haven't let go of each other since.

I also seemed to have stepped into a time machine as I swear it was Autumn when I left but it was gorgeously sunny and warm when I landed in Manchester.

Angus had cooked me a homecoming roast which we enjoyed in the garden with a bottle of Cab Sauv and then when walked up to Alderley for some coffees and cafe culture.

Just done bed and bathtime with my little girl. My heart could burst I'm so happy to be back with her. A great few days away but an even better homecoming...

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