Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Yes? No!

I was up and out down to Princes Street at the crack of dawn this morning. I was on a mission to buy a SIM card because I thought I was getting the new iPhone6s today! I ordered it from John Lewis (as they give a two year warranty) but I knew I'd have to wait a few days for it. But an email arrived yesterday to say that I can pick it up at the local Waitrose today after 2pm. What excitement!

However, another email arrived this afternoon saying that the iPhone would not be ready to pick up today...

J and Bailey came to pick us up to go and watch the two chimneys coming down at midday. We got a good spot part way up Arthur's Seat and awaited the moment. There were crowds of folk at every vantage point. Archie was being silly and lying on his back waving his legs in the air, and we were all looking at him. And that was exactly at midday - the moment the towers suddenly crumpled into each other... and we missed it. Saw a big cloud of smoke, though.

We popped to the pub for a snack - and the best chips I've had for a while - then J went off to the theatre, JR went into town to meet the Kiwis, and Bailey stayed here to watch the rugby with me and Archie.

Popped down to the Meadows between matches. You have no idea how long it took me to get this shot.

No iPhone today.  :-((

I'm getting my hands on it tomorrow.  :-))

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