Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

On the up?

I'm pleased to report that the wee lady's rash had almost disappeared by the morning.  Despite waking up in the middle of the night and demanding that Dada entertained her for an hour or so, she's pretty much back to her old self.  What a relief!

Her brother on the other hand has decided to become a royal pain.  No longer can Nikki quickly put him to bed after he's finished his daily shower and story books.  Oh no.  Now he insists on cuddles in bed until he slowly falls asleep.  This wouldn't be so bad if his sister was happy to entertain herself but the wee man has been taking upwards of 20 minutes to finally fall asleep.  In that time his sister gets bored and starts to wail, waking him up.  And if Nikki tries to do it the other way round, the wee man loses patience and wakes his sister up.  She can't win!

The only option is for me to come home early, put them to bed and then shuffle back to the office - although I must admit, I've opted to finish my work from home these past couple of days.

Let's hope this is just another passing phase.

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