Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

1000 days old - well spotted

The wee man might be 1000 days old today but it was the wee lady that stole the limelight today.

She slept much better last night, so thankfully Mama and Dada did too. This morning she was almost back to her tip-top self, playing with me and Ernie, and enjoying a few giggles. 

But then when I left for work, I received a message from Nikki (who had enjoyed a couple hours extra sleep in the morning), saying 'what's up with all these spots on the wee girl's back?' 

Sure enough, the little lady continued to break out in spots through the morning and they made their way to her stomach, neck, legs and feet. She was a bit tetchy in the morning for Nikki but she brightened up in the afternoon and the spots didn't get any worse. We're assuming they're just a follow up viral rash as a parting gift from her stomach bug. Or she could have roseola - although her symptoms don't quite seem to fit the usual description of it.  Either way, we expect the rash subsides in a few days and we can avoid a trip to the doctor! 

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