See Naples.....

We had an absolutely fantastic view of Naples and then virtually the entire west coast of Italy on our flight home today. This is Naples below us with the islands of Procida and Ischia in the distance. 
We've all had a wonderful week away, (I suppose you could call it a "Blip-meet" as there were 4 of us Blippers there) and it was so lovely being able to attend the surprise party of our friend last Saturday.
As a finale, LooseCanon made the spotlight today with his shot of the lightning over the Bay of Naples as seen from the front of our hotel late last night. I'm afraid I'd had it by then and was fast asleep.
I must say that England also looked lovely as we flew over it today - a wonderfully green and pleasant land. 
Our "valet parked" car was the only fly in the ointment of the entire week - it took the "10 minute delivery" about an hour and 8 phone calls before it arrived. Needless to say there will be some strongly-worded reviews going up on-line soon.

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