A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not on my watch

My health has deteriorated during the day. I am ending the day with streaming nose and eyes and stuffy head. Despite showers, changes of clothes and antihistamines galore I am certain that something during the day has triggered a ridiculously over the top allergic reaction. It is now mimicking a cold so much I am hoping it doesn't actually become one. Having tried everything I can think of I shall try throwing an early night at it and hope all is gone by the morning.

Having taken no photos before it took hold I recruited J to set off and find a photo. This is what he returned with.

I'm sure other stuff happened today, though the only bits that I can really remember are the conversation with the school attendance officer (fine but bureaucratic) and a family game of Just A Minute (hard work but fun and very worth it).

Lesley x

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