Hoy's Haar Hat (Day 139)
The morning wander up the hill today was a bit more hilarious than usual. Getting a Northern Inuit (Talisker the big - currently 50kg), a Czech wolfdog cross (Sigyn the Inquisitive - currently 35kg) and a lurcher (Evie the wonderdog - currently a porky 30kg) into the front passenger seat of the van was difficult. Evie growled and snarled at Sigyn most of the way to the hill. On the way back they all wanted to look out the same bit of window and totally obscured the view in the mirror. *sigh*
I dropped the dogs off and headed for the bathroom fit, to concrete a hole in the floor, and to drop off some other stuff.
Back home and the rest of the day belonged to my beautiful wife and I. We took the dogs to Warbeth for a wander and the low tide allowed a mad dash along the sand.
Hoy wore a hat of haar while the sun shone down on us.
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