All things Blipable....

By Tina

One door closes...

Another one opens!
Kathryn left LtS yesterday.. i wasnt there as i had the day off..but today i became the holder of a work DOOR key! previously owned by Kath.
This now means i have access to work, and if im there first~ i dont have to sit outside in my car, looking inconspicuous! **i hasten to add< although i only live 9miles away,it takes me about 25 mins to get to work, and if i leave before 0830, means ill be stuck in the same traffic, just for longer!!!
but am i (and Ninita Manjari!) trial running the key..
Thanks to Amy for taking the pic for me...
sorry to Ninita, she wont thank me for blipping this *muhahahahaha!*

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