Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Plan B

Archie and I went to Braidburn Valley Park this morning - haven't been there for ages. A very pleasant stroll in the sunshine, and chats to various dog owners.

I have a hospital appointment tomorrow, a follow up to the X-ray last week. But it's at the same time as the Scotland/Japan rugby match!!!

I rang and explained that unfortunately I just couldn't make it, something VERY IMPORTANT had turned up, could I change my appointment. But the next available one was near the end of the year! So I had to say that, er, on further consideration, actually I would be able to make it after all...

I will have to record the game. Then try to avoid hearing the result.

Plan B on the car front - we've decided to stick with our present brand, but upgrading to one with all the modern fandangly techie things.

Off to the theatre tonight. I booked ages ago, and haven't a clue what the play is, but it must have been tempting at the time. I like surprises.

Archie and I found these rather nice boots by a rubbish bin on our afternoon walk and brought them home for JR who flatly refused to even try them on. Archie liked them, but he'd need four of anything. So they'll go back by the bin. Somebody will love them. Despite those mysterious black spots...

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