Breakfast In Bed!
Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting today!
Have I ever mentioned that I have the BEST mum ever?? Not only has she taken me on a camping trip for my birthday, but this morning she made coffee and toast and came and sat with me while I was still snuggled up in bed. Yes, that's right - Mum can make toast while we are camping because she has a special contraption that sits on the camping stove and toasts the bread! How cool is that? (Well, actually, it's hot, as Mum rightly points out!) My mum and I both like toast with marmalade. This isn't just any old marmalade - this is marmalade with GINGER in it! Mum has this almost every day and she always gives me two little bits from each piece of toast. I think it is very yummy!
Mum and I were having such a good, relaxing time camping, that Mum decided to stay another day! Hooray!
It was a little rainy on and off this morning but we didn't mind as it was cosy and dry in the tent, and Mum enjoyed lots of reading. I enjoyed lots of snoozing. This afternoon we were able to sit outside in the sun, finally uninterrupted by rain.
This evening we actually went home for a few hours. Mum left me there (which I didn't like) because she had a concert to go to in our village. It was for the Last Night of the Proms. The first half was live music from local artists. Then after the interval, they streamed the famous Last Night of the Proms from the Royal Albert Hall. Mum said it was all lots of fun, and the local musicians were very very good. This was the third year they've done this in the village, using the local church as the venue. Mum missed it the last 2 years, so she was happy to go this time. When the concert was done, she picked me up and it was back to the campsite for our last night! There are definitely benefits of going not too far away for mini-holiday!
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