Birthday Girl!

Hello Blipfriends!  
Dolly here!  

Today was my 16th birthday!  Yea!  
My Mum and I have been camping for the last 4 nights.  Mum said it was my 'Birthday Treat'!  I LOVE camping!  So does Mum!  We were supposed to leave yesterday but we were both having so much fun that Mum decided to stay 1 more night.  She is very behind on her blips so she will have to catch up and do some back-blips over the next day or so.  

There's some more pictures of my day on this Flickr album Mum made.  

I was sad that we were leaving today and I sat here watching the packing up process.  I don't always sit in the camping chair.  Sometimes I'm just in my little bed, but I thought the elevated position was better for supervising.  When Mum was almost done, she had one last coffee before we left.  As we were leaving Mum said:  "Let's go for a walk on the way home!  Let's go to the Dew Drop Inn and do a walk and then go for a special Birthday Lunch for you!"  I said:  "OK!"

We've walked around here before but today we went on some new paths. We both really enjoyed it and walked for about an hour and a half.  Then when we went to the pub it was really busy, but I found a young spaniel to play with - his name was Sprocket.  When the humans saw me playing, they couldn't believe when Mum said I was 16!  Mum ordered me a Venison Burger.  I let her have some of it, but I got lots of mouthfuls too.  Mum usually makes me wait until the very end and then I normally only get a couple of bites, but all the rules got broken today because of my birthday!  I'm good with that!  

By the time we left I was exhausted and Mum had to lift me into the car.  I had no bounce left at all.  I was asleep before we left the car park!  When I got home I slept more while Mum unpacked and started laundry.  I decided I didn't need to supervise.  It's a good thing I got some rest because then one of my best friends came round with presents and cake!!  I even got a candle!  

It's been the BEST birthday ever!  I can't wait for 17 now!  Mum and I are BOTH exhausted.  Camping and Birthdays are a LOT of work!  But SO worth it!  

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