The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Look Daddy, we are PLAYING!!!

Hooray for the fastest healing pointer in town! Pip is on the mend good and proper and so tonight she was allowed her ball on our walk...and boy did she make the most of it! To counteract her angelic nature, Lottie became deaf and sodded off in her own direction as she pleased. Can't have it all ways!

In fact, this morning Lottie was a murderer. Yes, in cold blood she committed murder. Actually, she committed half murder because the victim wasn't dead when we left. Grim huh?! There were two crows, sitting on the roadside, having a chat, and we walked up beside them. They saw us all but didnt move. So Lottie leapt on one. Oh, well she leapt with her mouth. It gave a squeak. I told her to put it down. She did. We walked on. The other crow went doolally, flying and squawking and dive bombing down near Lottie. Oops. When we walked back again I went to look at poorly crow to see what had looked at me!! Argh! Seriously, those beady eyes go straight through you! It was just lying there and looking at me, I felt quite guilty. I suppose the kind thing would be to kill it but I didn't have it in me. So we went home. And ate breakfast!! And I went to Birmingham and had my brain TOTALLY FRIED on a Key Stage 5 Data course.

Then I came home and we went to play and...the crow was gone!! Gone where? Was it playing dead all along? Did it's mate come and pick it up? Well, the mystery will never be solved. But here is Pip, happy cos Mum let her play and have fun! Then we playedin the sunroom with me lying upside down (cos my back is KILLING ME from all that sitting today) and the girls taking it in turns to sniff in my ears. That really tickles and makes me giggle a lot which they love!

Anyway, I had good news about work tonight which saved me around four hours of work and a late night so I had a celebratory glass of wine and now I'm off to 9pm! I need to stretch this back before I check myself in to an old people's clinic as a lost cause!

Talking of which...Grandad has been taken into hospital today with another chest infection and is in overnight. Mum and Dad are over there so they are going to ring me later with the update. Fingers crossed he is a better healer than me!

PS. What is wrong with is sooooo slow!

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