The rest of forever...

By DrMac

What do you mean, I can't go out and play...

A little bit of paw stamping occured today. A very patient little lady this morning, following a night of no-stitch-chewing and excellent recovery behaviour! We had another family stroll and all was well. I had a good day at work, back where I should be rather than listening to drivel in London, and I really enjoyed watching some student drama performances at lunch. We had a lengthy after-school meeting that was hugely productive but hurt my head a lot...and then I came home with the top down, wind in my hair and sun on my face. BLISS!

The family evening walk was fine and dandy, though Pip is getting increasingly hacked off. As we got home Lottie stepped into the path of Stella, next door's cat, and she gave him a bit of a swipe. Fair cop, to be honest, he has been terrorising them. No blood was spilled but I turned a blind eye as they eyeballed one another...Lottie gave in first, she is such a chicken! After tea they busied themselves in the garden only for me to find that they had snuck into Fliss' garden next door and were being nosy...ooh, big telling off! So they had to come inside and stay in for a while...hence this miserable little face!

Now they are...oh, they are in the garden. And what's that in Pip's mouth? Oh, that could be mud...think I'd better just go and....

eleven days and I'm still counting!x

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