Whisky Galore

Max's first walk round the forest this morning, carried all the way as he's not been vaccinated fully yet, his first experience of the big green world..tall, tall trees....and some cows.

A visit from Josh and Alice in the morning where I secretly think Josh was trying to make peace with Tess by making her a hot chocolate. But the wounds run deep with the feisty one, being held upside down over a bin by her older cousin years ago must have left quite an impression on Tess, and one to which she regularly plots revenge. It will come when he leasts expects it.

Later, as an excuse to show off Maximus Nibbler and under the pretence of socialising the wee rascal more, we headed off to NEOS again for a scoot around with the rabid beast. He was every inch the model canine. Looking all velvety ears and angelic eyes, he wagged his tail and gave shy licks. There wasn't even a hint of his inner bitey monster. He may even have fooled the most hardened of dog cynics in the distillery.

He then endured Pets at Home. The novelty of taking a dog into a shop wore off for all of us after about 5 seconds. Time for home, to pee with wild abandon in the garden, run around with a ball, bite ankles, and flop suddenly for puppy cuddles which made for a blissful evening for Max. Canine feline relations remain tense, Thumper may be starting to realise with utter horror that this bounding bundle of barkingness is actually for keeps.

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