Music in the teepee

A full day of workshops at The Big Experiment (see yesterday's blip) though I did bunk off one in the afternoon as the sun was shining and I fancied a walk down to the sea!

In the evening we had a Twmpath (Welsh ceilidh) where I enjoyed the dancing and made an exhibition of myself by being zoomed round the room and ending up on the floor. Luckily no injury!

At the centre where we were staying were a group of Indians studying Indian culture. They had been invited to join us for the dancing and joined in which was lovely to see as none had done that type of dancing before. At the end, a group of Indian ladies did a beautiful display of their lovely elegant classical dancing - to Welsh music. It was a delight to watch.

Afterwards there were three sessions going on. I went to the one in the photo - everyone sitting round the fire in a big tepee and playing music and singing. It was great to see so many young people there too.


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