"If you don't hurry I'll go nuts!!"

Backblip from Friday.

I went to Anglesey to take part in The Big Experiment, a summer school for Welsh traditional music and dance.

Before going to the event I had a lovely afternoon at Plas Newydd with blip friend Doffy who very kindly gave me a beautiful bracelet that she'd made.
We had a coffee in the café before enjoying a walk around the grounds and seeing a yarn bombed tree to mark the centenary of the Women's Institute that began there.
We were very lucky to see red squirrels in the adjoining woodland and we watched them squabbling over who could get to the nuts and chasing each other up and down the trees.

I then went to the Conway Centre in the grounds of Plas Newydd where the event was being held. It was full board so everything was on site. 

After the evening meal was a tutors concert followed by a music session. Luckily there were headphones and a translator for those of us that can't speak Welsh. 

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