Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

MM85 - Mood

This is my step-daughter looking in a bit of an apprehensive mood...she's had a very stressful week with the wee man not sleeping for more than an hour in 24 hours...her daughter behaving like the pre-teen that she is...oh and she gets married on Friday!
She was in tears on Saturday because she's so tired and anxious...I do hope that the last few niggles around the wedding arrangements are resolved quickly (mainly that she doesn't need to take care of the 4 year old flower girl whilst she's getting herself, her baby and her daughter ready too!) I will be at her house from 9:30am so will be able to help out as much as I can...as will her younger sister but surely she doesn't need an extra child to mind in the middle of all that?

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