
We were up at 4.30am to get to the airport and although we were in good time, we only just made it to the gate in time for boarding. The world and his wife must have been flying somewhere today, I've never seen it so busy except on a bank holiday!

Cars were at a standstill on the road up to the airport and when we finally got to departures we had to join a very long queue for the British Airways bag drop off. Alan told a member of staff which flight we were on as our baggage drop was due to close in 15 minutes and he said not to worry they would call us forward soon.

Then they started calling people for a flight to Venice which was departing later than ours, so I called the guy over and told him we were on a flight to Nice which was due to depart earlier than that one. He very quickly whisked us to the front on the queue and was very apologetic that the other person had told us to wait.

Anyway we got through security pretty quickly and got to the gate just as they were starting to board. We were actually one of the first on the plane, so I guess everyone else was caught up in the queue like we were.

The pilot said we would be slightly delayed due to the weather in Nice - they've had very heavy rain and thunder storms this morning! Luckily, by the time we arrived it had stopped and although it was still cloudy it was very warm, and humid!

We dropped our cases at left luggage and caught the bus into the centre of Nice. Thanks to Blip Buddy AnnW who gave us lots of tips, we had a fantastic lunch in the old town and then walked up what seemed like hundreds of steps to the old chateau on top of a hill. It was well worth the effort as the views were amazing and I was spoilt for choice with what to blip, but decided on this one overlooking the port.

We then walked back down those steps and got caught in a very heavy rain shower, so we stopped off at a bar to take shelter and have a drink. It soon stopped and we went to catch the bus to the airport, picked up our cases, got a shuttle bus to Cannes and then a taxi to La Napoule where we're staying for the next 5 nights.

La Napoule is lovely - it's very peaceful and our apartment is fantastic. It overlooks the marina and the owners have even left is a bottle of fizz and a red rose for our anniversary!

Anyway, enough waffling, we're unpacked and sat on the balcony enjoying the fizz. I think this might be how the week continues and we have a very special treat booked for our anniversary at the end of the week

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