Watch out girlies.

This was going to be a blip of munchie, stood at the door, ready to go to preschool. Instead, I HAD to use this one as just can't get over his eyes. Yes he's covered in sand which I think helps, but he looks almost super imposed in my opinion, yet I've done nothing to it at all.

Dropped Wom at nursery, no tears
Dropped Munchie at preschool, no tears, same can't be said for me. Really found it hard leaving my baby girl somewhere that wasn't nursery. Over tired I think!
Morning at work was ok.
Collected Munchie, she had had a fab day
Tried, failed to sort nursery invoice. We still feel it's wrong, but have had to pay the amount nursery say. Got upset again!!
Collected Wom
Munchie had a sleep, Wom and I played

Knock at the door, we've come to replace the telegraph pole in your garden., WHAT,,!,,,,,

Tears, again, get a grip self, bloke was so nice, said we should have been notified, we hadn't, checked with neighbours, they hadn't. Too much stuff to move, lee away, nice man rang office to rearrange it all after many apologies.

Munchie made pizza for tea
Auntie Sarah came to play
Done hour of school work

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