Hold on....

Think that's been our most commonly used phrase today.
Poor Wom was so unsettled last night, did he know mummy and daddy had been out, for food, without him? Was he secretly thinking, ha, they go out, I make them pay.... Or was he simply feeling under the weather? He started fidgeting around 10:30, by 11:00 he was proper squirming so I changed his nappy which was fine, offered him milk etc but nothing would placate him. Eventually he came into our bad where he slept on my chest. Around 2am I got him into his bed, he did wake around 4 for milk but luckily got him straight back to sleep.

Swimming for both. Both did really well. Charlotte wants to do more and more of the things on her own, great apart from the small matter of only being able to swim a short distance on her own!

Home. Sleep refused by Charlotte so den made on sofa and strict instructions to lie there and let mummy watch bake off. She did pretty well but I did have to stop watching just before show stoppers, make her lunch and take her up to bed before I got to watch that bit.

Two hours later, stampede of footsteps with shouts of mummy where are you? Bless her, she woke up but was half asleep and just couldn't work out where I was (downstairs)

Headed for a walk around the park, feed the ducks. Charlotte was so well behaved I said she could have an icecream, then had mild panic about where to get her one from. Luckily the swimming pool was selling icecreams to little girls who had walked brilliantly so we were in luck.

Home, lots of play. Bath. Bed.

Daddy off to Germany at silly I clock tomorrow, going to miss him lots and lots

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