Selwyn College, Univ of Cam

I am back! It has been 3 years since i have last visited Selwyn College. The first time I came here was when i attended a 2-week summer school on High-Performance Computing. I was lucky enough to be funded by my department again to attend this Machine Learning course.

I arrived at around 4pm at the Cambridge Railway station and decided to walk to Selwyn (it took 30mins which wasnt easy at all with two bags in hand). I freshened up as quickly as i can and met up with Janine (who came fresh from the Philippines this morning!) and her Cambridge Archaeology friends. After our tasty dinner from this dimsum place near Parker Piece, Janine and I visited the very nice garden inside her college. And although it was already dark (and i have to squint my eyes to see the different sections) I could sense that they definitely have a better garden than Selwyn College. It was more spacious and contiguous as well. Selwyn College's garden, on the other hand, is separated into the different courts.

Oh and another thing, I couldnt find Selwyn College's pet cat. The last time i was here, they had a cat who hangs around the steps of the dining hall every morning. I remember his name was Gus and he was a gray tabby. He wasnt very friendly but I still adored that cat.

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