Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Plant box flower

Hello Blippers! Hope you are all well! :)

Nothing much has been happening today - although I think I may have fallen out with my best friend. I'm not sure what it is I've done, but she looked sad and wouldn't talk to me properly.

The work experience situation is still, frustratingly, not making any progress. If I don't have a reply from the ATC guy tomorrow, then I'm going to go to the school, which I think is still good, and I'll still enjoy it, it's just that going to the ATC would obviously be a lot more suited to what I want to do when I'm older.

On my birthday (July 1st), I'm going to make a resolution to blip everyday for the month! Although I'm going on holiday, if I'm not able to blip from there, then I'll just do the thing where you can blip for the days you missed (can't remember what it's called). If that's not possible, I'll just push the resolution to August. :)

So, that's it for today! Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

Steven :)

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