Plus ça change...

By SooB

Baie View

Lame pun. This is the view from the most accessible blackthorn tree. In fact, the fruit don't even seem to be called baies, but 'little plums', so it's a lame wrong pun.

I think the filing is getting to me. The stress of trying to work out if there are any circumstances in which I might need phone bills from the last century is too much. And I found a leaving card from an office full of people I don't remember - how awful is that?

Hot and sunny again. Long chat with our gardener - who burnt another big chunk of the garden this morning. Soon we can start rebuilding. Also time in the office with CheeseLady during which I yet again failed to find an English word she wanted to know (for someone who's always mean and critical of others). The photo was taken at lunchtime, since the warm but not scorching weather means that my 25 minute lunch time strolls with CarbBoy while we wait for TallGirl to be released are reinstated. And it's sloe picking season already.

Later Back to the Future with the kids.

Tomorrow's exciting agenda includes buying some wood, filling the car with petrol and phoning a man about a broken saucer. Good job I have all that filing to keep my feet on the ground.

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