A Sad, Sad, Sad Day.......

We woke Sunday looking forward to a nice easy day together.  We had great plans to finish up our sewing.  After breakfast, we head out to do just that.  We actually made it most of the way through her purse sewing project.  At some point, I asked Sugar to go check on the bunnies, and give them some hay.  While she was off doing that, I was finishing up a sewing some buttons on her purse.  Next thing I knew....the skies opened up and let RAIN pour from the sky.  It hasn't rained like that in I don't know how long.  Suddenly, Sugar was bursting through the door soaking wet.  I knew from one look at her that there were tears mixed with the rain on her face.  She proceeded to tell me that our sweet bunny Ocean was dead.  oh my.....this was hard news.  Ocean was Sugar's first bunny.  We've had her since Sugar was 4 years old.  She was a very special bunny.  Our Oshee Poeshee.......we loved her so.  She was getting old...and had a virus that we chose not to treat.  She died suddenly, so it is my hope she did not suffer.  She had been active the day before.  

When the rain stopped, we proceeded to dig a grave for her under our walnut tree.  Sugar's favorite tree.....for her favorite bunny.  It wasn't easy...but we got her buried, and said our "goodbyes".  We spent the rest of the day snuggling and we watched a movie.  Being together helped heal our hearts. 

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