
By Grandmama

A change of heart!

I never ever thought that I would be advertising this Airline as I'd always vowed never to fly with them! However, I must confess, that this flying visit to Tours, France, went without a hitch, I couldn't fault the flight, 'plane or service and I was early into Tours and Manchester on the return flight. ( I think probably that Ryanair over calculate the flying time so that they can sound the fanfare on arrival and boast that they are the only European Airline to always arrive on time or early!! But that's being cynical!)
Anyway, my flying visit to spend 3 days with Mr & Mrs DP, who had travelled by ferry, was wonderful and I was wined, dined and sun-soaked in style!!
Thanks so much to you both.

If you're interested, there are a few more pics. on Flickr here.

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