Lazy Sunday Afternoon.................

J went out with the "boys" on his motorbike this morning, so not long after, I went for a walk. It was the kind of morning where it makes you feel glad to be alive. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the hedgerows, were full of berries. Everyone I passed, said good morning, and yes, a great day to be out in the Autumn sunshine. I didn't do so well on the photography front, but life isn't perfect. I took about three photos, all which left a lot to be desired!  I got back to the house, and had a coffee, and a browse of the newspaper, and J got back about an hour later. As I didn't have a blip, we went to Park Slip, and I didn't get many photos there either. I saw the Canadian Geese from the hide, but they were too far away. On our way back to the car, we saw this Dragonfly sunning himself on the gate. It's the best I could do for today. Back home now, and on the menu today is, roast chicken, roast potatoes, a medley of vegetables, and some, cranberry, orange, and roasted chestnut stuffing. Dessert is strawberries, and blueberries. I am ravenous. Tonight ,we are going to watch Lady Chatterley's lover. I can't wait to  see  the gamekeeper, and his six pack!

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