Me old Sparra!

After we had breakfast, J decided he was going to change the rubber gaiters on the Triumph  big yawn  He informed me it would take about two hours, as the forks had to be stripped down. I know from experience, that if he says two hours, it usually means  twice that long. A couple of hours later, he says, where's the coffee? You really don't want to know my answer, but I played the good wife role, and made the coffee . Bike all sorted, and this afternoon, he was faffing in the hobby room, and says, have you finished with the Dyson. I had, so he went to get it, plugs it in, and was sucking up something, when suddenly he says, Oh no! The vucuum cleaner, not J  had sucked up his pencil. I was not amused, to put it lightly. He then took the cleaner out the garden, and asks me, how do you strip this down. We took it apart and found the pencil, luckily for him. We were going to go out this afternoon, but I just couldn't be bothered. So I sat out the garden, with my mug of tea, and did some bird watching. I waited ages, the suddenly the sparrows all came for a visit. I liked this one the best, as he appears to be looking at me as if to say, who do you think you are looking at?  Looking forward to watching Strictly Come Dancing tonight.

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