
Brian the Snail hitched a ride.
Corin had been working in the shed, doing manly things.
He came in for a brew, got settled on the sofa, reading his kindle whilst snuggled up with the cat and after a few minutes noticed that Brian was slowly proceeding up his arm.

Done nothing of note today.  Slept late, then decided that I didn't like the pain, so took some painkillers and retreated back to sleep, because that's the only state I can get any respite in it seems.

Spoke to Mum in a manner of speaking.  

Revelled in the stupidity of people on the internet.

Watched lots of NCIS.

Tidied up whilst Corin went to get curry and now am back on the sofa, with a beer, watching more NCIS.

Really need to do something of use tomorrow!

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