Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

The Troubled Tube

Yes, this looks like a peaceful enough photo, but that tube has been a source of anxiety!

A few weeks ago, a man sold me a three month subscription to the Rochester newspaper. As much as I love technology, there is just something about holding a paper in my hands that is satisfying.

The subscription was for the Sunday only newspaper and it was 1/3 off the newstand price, so I thought it was a good deal.

The first week, the carrier delievered the paper, then called midday to tell me that he really didn't like putting our paper in the mailbox. He asked if we could get the tube up and I told him we didn't have one! The next day, he dropped a tube off near the mailbox. Shouldn't someone have told us about the tube?

We mounted the tube on the pole our mailbox is attached to.

The second week, we received no paper. We called the carrier and he said he was no longer our carrier so we called the newspaper directly. We didn't call before noon, so we could not have the paper delivered that day. They would give us a credit.

Yesterday (third week) we didn't receive a paper. Again. We called before noon and a nice lady said she would send weeks two and three papers to us. But, this morning, I got a call from a fellow who told me the paper was delivered yesterday.

What? Yes, he said. He saw it himself in the tube down by the highway just this morning. Hello? The carrier had given us a tube which we mounted on our mailbox at the end of our driveway. This fellow countered that the carrier must not have been carrier would ever come up our hill.

What? So I ask him if I have to get the paper from a tube attached to someone else's mailbox? For real? No, no, he assures me. The paper is in a tube on a pole that was "deserted". It doesn't belong to anyone. Yeah, sure.

At this point, I want to cancel the whole mess and just forget all about the Sunday paper.....Talk about lack of communication! From a newspaper!!!

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