Up early this morning in readiness for the boiler installation man. They arrived and informed us that they would be staying until they finish the job today rather than have to come back.....they are still here, it's now 7pm, they have worked their socks off! The doors have been open all day, as has the loft hatch, its got quite chilly, I've got a fleece on at the mo typing this!

We've not had any dinner yet, as the gas is off!
Pretty famished we are!

Early today I had an impromptu mini blip meet with the lovely Beewriter, who happened to be in our neighbourhood. We had a nice hour chatting and a cuppa at Bents garden centre. We didn't really get chance to go blipping as time was against us, but it was nice to meet!
There's always next time :-)

I did quickly grab this shot as we were leaving. Sadly it's already a bit too chilly to sit outside on the lovely decking area :-(

We didn't win the quiz last night, but did win a tenner for the kitty ;-) the team who won only got one question wrong, unbelievable!!

Might be jam butties for dinner ;-)

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