Who Dares Wins.

This morning we went food shopping, first to Lidl, and then to Sainsburys. We came straight home, had a coffee, and then J cut the lawns, and I did some housework. I had no idea what I would blip, so i took my camera, and sat out the garden. I was just about to come in , when the phone rang, and I got up to answer it. It was my g/daughter,  (we talk every day) and while we were chatting the sparrows all swooped down onto the feeder, and suddenly I saw the Sparrowhawk land on our neighbours roof. He watched for ages, and then the Magpie flew near to him. I was hoping that the Magpie wasn't in trouble, but believe it or not, he saw the Sparrowhawk off. Phew, that was tense but at least I got my blip. Beer battered cod and chips tonight. See my extra photo. 

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