One Thousand & Not out

According to Blip I have uploaded 1000 pictures consecutively but this is a mistake. The actual total is 968 & this is because I put some old backblips on soon after joining. However I have placed a little reminder of the day on the shot, & maybe if I remember I will celebrate my true millenium of pictures.

A painful start to the day but I'm glad to say that I finally have an appointment to see the hip specialist at the end of the month...

A cool morning & I've a thick shirt on ready for winter despite it not really being the end of Summer. We would normally be thinking about a holiday about now ...but I can't think when we will get away whilst I am like this....anyhow no good crying into my beer most of all because the painkillers don't mix with alcohol !

I may try & get out in the car later - its been so long since I drove anywhere.

On this day in 1957 the American state governor of Arkansas called out the National Guard in order to stop African-Americans from enrolling at Little Rock High School, & in 1972 Mark Spitz became the first person to win 7 gold medals at the Olympic Games.

Today in 2006 Steve Irwin nicknamed the Crocodile Hunter is killed by a Stingray on the Great Barrier Reef when it turned & attacked him with its barbed tail. 

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